Skibbereen Farmers Market

Year round, this great market - in the very foodie town of Skibbereen - serves up the best in local (and internationally-flavoured) produce.

Skibbereen Farmers’ Market began in May 2001 with just a few stalls but a grand vision. However, even the most optimistic of those early trailblazers could not have imagined the market developing into the bustling, vibrant heart of the community it is today.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many people over the past 16 years, this market has grown to become one of the most busy and colourful farmers’ markets in Ireland.

Come hail, rain or shine, stallholders and customers, locals and visitors, young and old combine to provide the town with an experience which appeals to all the senses.

Seriously good live music, seriously good fresh food, seriously good craic, cáint agus comhrá. As they say, ‘all human life is there’.

West Cork is privileged to have dedicated food, plant and craft producers who help nurture an ever-expanding artisan community. Their craft and creativity resonates out into the wider community and adds immeasurably to the cultural good of the region.

Drop in some Saturday, you will find it hard to leave. It’s Pure West Cork.

Skibeereen Farmer's Market is attracting some rave reviews abroad, being featured in the recent Observer Food Magazine's "OFM 50 - Everything We Love In The World Of Food Right Now". 

The highly influential magazine called Skibb's glorious market "Probably the best small food market in the world".

And the OFM's writers said;  

"Close to the coast of West Cork in Ireland is maybe the best small food market in the world. Vans are backed on to the square, their boots open. There are cages of ducks and guinea fowl, white or brown chickens sold (I think) for laying eggs. A few old ladies sit with their few homemade jams and honeys, there is spanking whole cod and hake and Dublin Bay prawns on ice.

A man sells his potatoes and onions. Perhaps best of all is the local Gubbeen van selling ham and bacon and their astonishing cheese. We bought our fill. It’s so quiet in winter you feel it is almost a social thing: stallholders meeting, talking and supporting each other. It is much busier in summer. Worthwhile travelling hours for, whatever the weather".

That's a huge accolade for one of Cork's best Farmers' Markets and recognition - once again - of our county's reputation for being the gourmet capital of Ireland.

  • Farmers Market