LEADER Food Initiative for Artisan, Micro and Small Food Producers
This initiative aims to support new and existing food and beverage producers to address emerging challenges through investment in areas such as (1) market development, (2) competitiveness, and (3) innovation.
Support for food producers, may include, but is not limited to, the following:
• Artisan, Micro and Small food producers, including those with a focus on collaborative proposals, aimed at production quality and market issues;
• Regional product development, including a focus on marketing distinctive local foodstuffs;
• Marketing and processing for strategically identified sectors, including honey and apple processors;
• Improved marketing, product quality and business skills through support for innovative collaborative processes and so address challenges to co-operation identified in studies on facilitating short supply chains e.g. entry barriers, the need for shared understanding, skills/training, and marketing and business skills deficits.
How to apply:
Applications are managed through the LEADER LAGs with applications being processed by the LEADER Implementing partners and recommendations made by the LCDC’s to the DAFM and DRCD. Qualifying projects seeking between €5,000 and €200,000 in grant aid are eligible to apply.
The Implementing Partner for LEADER / LEADER Food in South and West Cork is SECAD Partnership CLG.
For further Information and to make an Application
Ross Curley (West Cork based projects) rcurley@secad.ie
Katie Kearns (South Cork based food projects) kkearns@secad.ie
Contact SECAD on 021-4613432
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